So all this week I am at the FB all week.. Not alot of people know that I also work for South Plains Food Bank. That's my other love.. I help and serve the 21 counties that the Food Bank covers. I do alot of traveling to the many many counties and small towns visiting people that may need help with assistance. Whether it be Food, Medical, or just a person for them to unload all their troubles too and me try to help them find a way to get the help they need.. Well that's me.. I love it!! I have been in the social work field for many many years.. And well I tried to leave it once and well my life was just not right.. I had to come back.. And boy has God bless me with a wonderful job, wonderful people to work with, and well wonderful people that I get to meet on a daily basis...I have met so many many people, families that well are just down on their luck, homeless famlies and homeless Veterans that just nothing seems to go their way, to.... well the young pregnant teenage girl that has no where else to turn tooo. I can't say it enough.. It's wonderful... (Keeps me humble) Well this week I am at the FB in the office trying to fill the place of 4 very important people that decided to go on vacation.. (Yah they left me behind)(besides not know a thing about what they do) lol.... But anyways, I have had a little time since Im not out an about driving to play with some things and well yep you guess it BLOG.. So hope you like the new layout!! Hopefully since I will be behind a desk all week I can do a lil more inbetween... And here's my foodbank plug. We are always needing volunteers, donations of food, and school supplies. Ok well I will be stop talking.. I actually have a couple of pictures that I thought I would post on here from the FB that I took last year during the school supply drive...
This shoot above was the actually used to send out to all of the companys as a Thank you for their help and donations!! So that was pretty cool....
Do yall recognize this guy pulling the tote?
Jackson taking a break
Elijah and Michael and I think Jackson going thru gluesticks to make backpacks
setting up for the day to give out 3800 backpacks full of school supplies. This year we are shooting for 4200!!
It's amazing what all the FB does!!!!!
have a wonderful day!!